"Talking ZEVs" with state, regional and city governments | Climate Group Skip to main content

"Talking ZEVs" with state, regional and city governments

The ZEV Community has been “Talking ZEVs” with California, Scotland, Québec, Chile, Mexico City and New York City.


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Analisa Bevan is a Zero Emission Infrastructure Specialist at the California Air Resources Board. She explains how California is pushing for vehicle electrification and why the switch to ZEV technology is a “no brainer”.


Francisco López, Vice-Minister of Energy at the Government of Chile explains how the country is leading a transition to clean transport, and why this is so important in the drive to reach net zero emissions by 2050.


Marilou Gosselin, Transport Policy Coordinator at Québec Ministry of Environment and Fight Against Climate Change shares the exciting, yet challenging ZEV goals that Québec is working towards. This includes the aim to ban the sale of new light duty gas powered vehicles by 2035.

Mexico City

Rodrigo Díaz is the Subsecretary of Planning in the Mobility Secretariat in Mexico City (SEMOVI). He explains how the government is transforming its trolleybus network to reduce emissions, enhance travel times and improve mobility.

New York City 

NYC Citywide Administrative Services (NYC DCAS) oversee the largest municipal fleet in the US – over 3,000 vehicles. Jonathan Ells, Former Director of Fleet Sustainability at NYC DCAS explains the actions New York City is taking on ZEVs, including the goal to electrify its entire fleet by 2040. ork City


Stuart Grieg, Director of Low Carbon Economy at Transport Scotland talks about the disruptive influence of electric vehicles within the transport sector and explains why the Scottish Government is committed to driving a transition to clean transport.