Accelerating climate action in the Midwestern United States | Climate Group Skip to main content

Accelerating climate action in the Midwestern United States.pdf

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Date added: 27/04/22

Accelerating climate action in the Midwestern United States

Report 27 April 2022, 14:08 UTC

The Midwest – commonly known as the industrial heartland of the US – has a rich history of innovation and manufacturing, as well as a unique geographic and climate profile. This makes it an ideal location to drive forward the transition to net zero.

Image of report. Under2 Coalition logo at top right. Text on left: Accelerating climate action in the Midwestern United States. Now available to download.

States in the region have already taken crucial steps towards slashing emissions - covering everything from transport electrification to climate-friendly agriculture and renewable energy. However, there’s still a lot more to do.

Our latest report shares their progress, and explains what states must do to scale up their action. 


Accelerating climate action in the Midwestern United States.pdf

Size: 2.62 MB

Date added: 27/04/22